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During this month, the Casa de los Capitanes hosts an exhibition on the evolution of traditional costumes

The Mayor, Luis Yeray Gutiérrez, and the Councillor for Historical Heritage, Elvira Jorge, inaugurate the exhibition, which is in charge of the Sectorial Council of Traditional Clothing of Tenerife

Exposición sobre la evolución de los trajes típicos
Exhibition on the evolution of the typical costumes in the Casa de los Capitanes

From Monday, the Casa de los Capitanes will be hosting an exhibition on the evolution of the island’s typical clothing. The mayor of La Laguna, Luis Yeray Gutierrez, and the Councillor for Historical Heritage, Elvira Jorge, attended the opening this morning accompanied by the Director of Socio-Economic Development of the Cabildo, Ermitas Moreira, and various members of the Sectorial Council of Traditional Clothing of Tenerife, a body that is responsible for promoting the textile and craft traditions of the island. Among its representatives were the three commissioners: Juan de la Cruz, Luis Dávila and Dulce Rodríguez de la Rosa.

A total of 19 costumes, both men’s and women’s, will remain in the Exhibition Hall until 31 July. The schedule to visit it is from 10:00 to 13:00 and from 17:00 to 19:00, from Monday to Friday, and from 10:00 to 14:00, on Saturdays.

Luis Yeray Gutiérrez has highlighted “the importance of valuing and disseminating our intangible heritage for its conservation, always from the respect for our traditions by encouraging the good use of typical clothing and helping to preserve it properly. This is the main objective of the exhibition, with an important didactic character thanks to the work carried out by the Sectorial Council”, he pointed out.

In the same line, Elvira Jorge has highlighted that one of the tasks of the Council is “to disseminate and safeguard the rich legacy we receive from our ancestors”. To this end, she recalled that this exhibition has been institutionalized, and this year it is already in its fifth edition. “We have the unavoidable duty of transmitting and instilling in new generations another of our most precious signs of identity, our clothing,” the mayor stressed.

The exhibition Garments, costumes and typology, in which the City Council, Cabildo and the Sectoral Council, shows each of the different periods through which the traditional clothing has passed and highlights the correct and faithful way of dressing as they did the island’s ancestors. Juan de la Cruz, one of the commissioners and member of this body composed of experts in the field, has been responsible for explaining its characteristics during the opening.

As he detailed, it is composed of male and female clothing of different denominations accompanied by the textile history that has conditioned them during the nineteenth century. “People are really interested in dressing up in typical costumes and the purpose of this initiative is to inform them about how to do it,” added De la Cruz.

Exposición sobre la evolución de los trajes típicos
Evolution of the typical suits
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