La Laguna promotes, together with the Heritage Cities, a health protocol for the urban area and its monumental surroundings

The City Council of La Laguna, through the Department of Historical Heritage, will promote a hygienic health protocol for the hull and its monumental surroundings. The document, which will be prepared jointly by the Consistory and the other 14 municipalities that form the Group of World Heritage Cities, will establish the measures to be applied in the main areas of the municipality along the de-climbing to ensure safety against covid-19.
The mayor responsible for the area, Elvira Jorge, says that “the forecast is that activity in the streets will increase over the coming months due to the central government’s plan to gradually recover normality. This restoration of the day to day, which will involve the opening of the properties and the restoration of the tourist flow, must be accompanied by a plan that includes all the hygienic and sanitary recommendations to avoid the infections of coronavirus, for that reason all the administrations of the Group have decided to elaborate a joint document for its application in the urban centers”.
Elvira Jorge recalls that the Heritage Cities have established to reorient their promotional actions towards attracting national tourists in view of the improvement in the situation caused by the pandemic, making movements within the country possible as long as safety conditions are met. In order to offer all the guarantees as a close and safe destination, and whenever the scenario allows it, the Heritage Cities have decided this week to start the drafting of this new protocol of joint application.