City hall

Casa de los Capitanes

House of the Captains General

[responsivevoice_button voice=”Spanish Female” buttontext=”Click to listen”] House of the Capitanes Generales Casa de los Capitanes It is an exceptional building from which the social category

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Vista general desde la Plaza del Adelantado

City council

[responsivevoice_button voice=”Spanish Female” buttontext=”Click to listen”] Town Hall Historical site where the first government building of the Island of Tenerife, the Cabildo, was erected. Nowadays,

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Fachada principal de la casa del Corregidor

Corregidor House

[responsivevoice_button voice=”Spanish Female” buttontext=”Click to listen”] Corregidor´s House The House of the Corregidor was finished in 1545, by the Corregidor of the island of Tenerife

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Fachada principal de la casa La Alhóndiga

Casa de la Alhóndiga

[responsivevoice_button voice=”Spanish Female” buttontext=”Click to listen”] Alhóndiga´s house Principal facade The alhóndiga is the place where the poorer neighbours were supplied, lending them wheat when

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Fachada a la calle Consistorio del Antiguo Colegio de las Dominicas

Old school of the Dominicas

[responsivevoice_button voice=”Spanish Female” buttontext=”Click to listen”] Old School of Las Dominicas In the old Calle de la Cárcel, now Calle Consistorio, was the Colegio de

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Other buildings of cultural interest

Fachada principal del Teatro Leal

Teatro Leal

[responsivevoice_button voice=”Spanish Female” buttontext=”Click to listen”] Teatro Leal Property built by Antonio Leal Martín, with the plans of the architect Antonio Pintor. Inaugurated in September

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